20 Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Maldives

Fact 1: The Literal Translation of Maldives
The Maldives, an impressive island nation, is called "Dhivehi Raajje" in local language, which directly translates to "Kingdom of the Dhivehi people". "Dhivehi" refers to the indigenous people of the Maldives and the term "Raajje" implies their kingdoms’ extent on both land and sea.

Fact 2: The Island of Coconuts
Maldives is significantly known for its rich abundance of coconut trees. The word Maldives itself originates from Sanskrit word ‘Mālādvīpa’ which means ‘garland of islands’. Coconut Palm, is hence the national tree of Maldives and plays an integral part in the islander’s livelihood for food, drink, and craft.

Fact 3: World's Lowest Country
If you didn't consider the Maldives to be unique already, here's an interesting fact. This archipelago is considered the world's absolute lowest country in terms of ground level. The Maldives' average ground level is approximately one and a half meters above sea level.

Fact 4: Coral Galore
The islands of the Maldives are essentially the exposed top parts of undersea mountain ranges. They are primarily built from coral, it’s a thriving house of over 2000 species of fish, 200 species of coral and 5 species of sea turtle.

Fact 5: A Population of primarily Muslims
The Maldives, is perhaps the only assumed country in the world with a population that is entirely Muslim. While there is evidence of Buddhism practiced in ancient times, today the country's constitution dictates that all citizens follow Islam.

Fact 6: Unique Friday-Saturday Weekends
Another intriguing attribute of Maldivian life is the country's weekend schedule. Unlike western culture, the Maldives has Friday and Saturday as their weekend, making Sunday a standard working day.

Fact 7: Distinctive Maldivian Alphabet
The Maldives has a unique script known as "Thaana" which is written from right to left. This is the official writing system used in all administrative and official documents.

Fact 8: Migratory Birds’ Haven
Being a tropical country with warm temperatures all year round, Maldives serves as a blissful paradise for close to 100 species of migratory birds.

Fact 9: Mad About Tuna
Fishing is a critical part of the Maldivian economy and tuna is the most common catch. Notably, Maldivians prefer their tuna to be caught the traditional, eco-friendly way, by pole and line, instead of by net.

Fact 10: Biggest Grouping of Coral Reefs
The Maldives archipelago has the distinction of having the biggest gathering of coral reefs in the world. There are about 26 atolls, encompassing over 1190 coral islands.

Fact 11: Fascinating Bioluminescent Beaches
Maldives’ Vaadhoo Island is famous for its "Sea of Stars", caused by marine microbes called phytoplankton. This bioluminescence makes the beaches glow at night, creating a beautiful and magical sight for visiting tourists.

Fact 12: Invincible Mosquitoes
There are several species of mosquitoes in Maldives but none carry or transmit Malaria. Maldives has been declared Malaria-free by the World Health Organization.

Fact 13: Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages
One may not know about the strict alcohol policy in Maldives as it's a Muslim country, the import, production and sale of alcohol is strictly prohibited outside of resort areas.

Fact 14: Prior Existence of a Sultunate Government
Throughout its history till 1968, Maldives was ruled by an elected sultanate, akin to monarchy. It’s only since then; the Maldives became a republic.

Fact 15: Maldivian Cuisine’s Favorite Ingredient
Coconut is the star ingredient in just about every Maldivian dish. Whether it's shredded, squeezed for its milk, or used as oil, you will unquestionably find a hint of coconut in your food.

Fact 16: Overwhelming Marine Life
Maldives holds the record for being home to the largest known school of manta rays in the world. The islands are also popular for dolphins, whale sharks and hawksbill turtles sightings.

Fact 17: Perfect Holiday Destination
The Maldives has more than 105 resorts widely spread across the archipelago, thereby marking it as a prime global destination for tourists seeking luxury and seclusion.

Fact 18: Adopted Name Language
Although the official language of Maldives is Dhivehi, in public interactions you will often hear English being spoken, which became so due to the high concentration of foreign tourists.

Fact 19: Sudden Change in Climate
Maldives has an equatorial climate which means, there are high chances of witnessing sudden brief rain showers followed by hot sun within few minutes.

Fact 20: 100% Literacy Rate
Maldives boasts a literacy rate of almost 100%, a remarkable achievement for any country. This is attributed to the importance the Maldivian government places on education, which is both free and compulsory for children.

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