20 Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Latvia

Fact 1: The Highest Number of Female Population
In Latvia, there are more women than men. For every 100 women, there are only 85 men. The country has the highest percentage of women population in the world. Despite this, it doesn't result in a matriarchy. Rather, Latvian women have continued to push for equal rights and opportunities within their society.

Fact 2: The Land of Blue Lakes and Green Forests
Approximately half of Latvia's geographical area is covered by forests and the country is home to over 12,000 rivers and 3,000 small lakes. It presents a picturesque landscape of blue and green, perfect for nature lovers and adventurers.

Fact 3: Wi-Fi Haven
Believe it or not, Riga, the capital of Latvia, ranks among the top cities in the world with the fastest internet connections. Additionally, Latvia proudly boasts free Wi-Fi access almost everywhere in the country, including parks, squares, public transportation and most cafes, hotels, and restaurants.

Fact 4: The Origin of Christmas Tree
Latvia claims to have been home to the world's first decorated Christmas tree. This historic event allegedly took place in Riga's town square in 1510. As the legend goes, the tree was adorned with flowers and burned to the ground after the festivities as a fire spectacle.

Fact 5: A Unique Language
Latvian is one of Europe's oldest languages and is a member of the Baltic language group, which also includes Lithuanian and the now-extinct Old Prussian. This language group is unrelated to any other language family, adding an extra level of complexity to learning the language.

Fact 6: Dainas Heritage
Latvians have a deeply ingrained tradition of Dainas – short, often rhyming poems or songs. It's estimated there are more than 1.2 million Dainas which have been written down, catalogued, and preserved by folklorists.

Fact 7: A Stork Welcoming Nation
Latvia ranks among the countries with the highest stork populations in the world. Welcoming a stork as a guest is seen as a blessing and Latvians usually do their best to attract this bird to nest on their properties for good luck.

Fact 8: Literacy Rate
Latvia's literacy rate is nearly perfect at 99.8%, one of the highest in the world. Education is highly valued, and the country possesses a robust educational system with free education as a constitutional right.

Fact 9: More Than Just Potatoes
While potatoes form a significant part of the traditional Latvian diet, the country's cuisine is diverse and often includes ingredients such as berries, mushrooms, rye, barley, and dairy products. Smoked fish, particularly eel, is also a delicacy.

Fact 10: The Freedom Monument
One of Latvia's most important symbols of national identity, independence and freedom, the Freedom Monument in Riga, was actually funded entirely by public donations. It stands as a testament to the resilience and unity of the Latvian people.

Fact 11: Traditional Latvian Festival - Jāņi
One interesting tradition is the celebration of the summer solstice known as "Jāņi". This annual festival involves singing, dancing, making wreaths, and jumping over bonfires. It reflects the nation's deep connection with nature and ancient customs.

Fact 12: Amber Land
Latvia is nicknamed 'The Land of Amber' due to its rich reserves of this fossilised tree resin. Amber has been collected and crafted in Latvia for centuries, and Latvian amber jewelry is highly prized.

Fact 13: The Tallest Women
Latvian women, along with Dutch women, are the tallest in the world. The average height for women in Latvia is 170 centimeters or approximately 5 feet 7 inches.

Fact 14: The Singing Revolution
Between 1987 and 1991, many Baltic states, including Latvia, gained their independence from the Soviet Union in an event now known as the Singing Revolution. This peaceful protest was characterized by nationwide singing events and a human chain stretching across Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

Fact 15: Riga is Larger Than You Think
Riga is the largest city in the Baltic states. It is home to one-third of Latvia's population and covers about the half size of the entire country of Luxembourg.

Fact 16: Latvia's Unique Wildlife
Latvia has over 27,000 species of wildlife documented within its borders. The country is home to a rich variety of flora and fauna including wolves, lynx, brown bears, storks, and over 200 species of birds.

Fact 17: The Riga Central Market
Constructed in the 1920s from five former German Zeppelin hangars, Riga's Central Market is one of the largest covered markets in Europe. It hosts around 3,000 stands selling everything from fruits, vegetables, dairy and meats to textiles and household goods.

Fact 18: UNESCO Heritage Site
Riga's historic center, known for its beautiful Art Nouveau architecture, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city boasts the highest concentration of Art Nouveau buildings in the world.

Fact 19: Velvet Revolution
After independence from the Soviet Union, Latvia had a peaceful transition to market economy and democracy in the 1990s, a period often referred to as the "Velvet Revolution". Latvia joined the European Union and NATO in 2004.

Fact 20: Latvian Folk Dancing
The folk dance tradition is very strong in Latvia with more than 10,000 people actively engaged in over 300 folk dance groups. Every five years, a nationwide Latvian Folk-Dance Festival is held with dance groups from around the country and beyond participating. It's a proud moment for Latvians and a sight to behold!
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