Fact 1: The Queen’s ‘Official Birthday’
The exact date of Queen Elizabeth II's birthday is 21st April, but the United Kingdom celebrates her 'official birthday' in June. The tradition of an 'official birthday' started in 1748 with King George II. The actual reason is linked to the ever-unpredictable British weather, and planning royal outdoor ceremonies were much safer amidst the summer sun.
Fact 2: United Kingdom – A Land of Languages
Language diversity is a notable element in the United Kingdom. More than 300 languages are currently spoken in London's schools, making it one of the most linguistically diverse cities in the world. Additionally, the English language itself has originated primarily from what is now the UK.
Fact 3: The Tiny Police Station in London
Trafalgar Square in London home to one of the smallest police stations in the world. Constructed in 1926, this little station was installed inside an existing lamp post. Although it's not in regular use now, it served as an ideal lookout point for the police to monitor protests and rallies.
Fact 4: A Weird Law about Sturgeons
According to a law in the UK, all unclaimed sturgeons, whales, or dolphins in the Kingdom's water are considered the property of the monarch. This eccentric law dates back to the 1300s!
Fact 5: The Tunnel of Love at Hyde Park
Hyde Park in London is well-known for the Serpentine Lake, where couples can hire a rowing boat. Little did you know, there's a specific tunnel named 'The Lovers' Arch,' supposedly bringing good fortune to relationships!
Fact 6: Alcohol in the Parliament
In the UK, a bizarre law forbids Members of Parliament from wearing a suit of armor in the Parliament. Another strange law? The only place you can legally consume alcohol in the UK Parliament is at the bar installed inside!
Fact 7: The Land of Castles
Wales, a country within the United Kingdom, proudly boasts more castles per square mile than any other country globally. With over 600 castles, it truly is a paradise for history and architecture enthusiasts.
Fact 8: The Mysterious Ravens of the Tower of London
Six ravens are perpetually kept at the Tower of London according to a superstition that the Crown and Britain will fall if they ever leave. Natural instinct or not, these birds rarely fly away, perhaps due to their trimmed wings!
Fact 9: Britain's Speaking Clock
Britain was first to introduce a ‘Speaking Clock’ service in 1936. Believe it or not, even today you can access the speaking clock service in the UK. All you need to do is dial 123!
Fact 10: Enormous Libraries
The United Kingdom is home to the British Library, one of the world's largest libraries. It is estimated to contain about 170–200 million+ items from numerous countries.
Fact 11: Driving on the Left
In the United Kingdom, unlike most of the world, they drive on the left side of the road. This tradition traces back to medieval times.
Fact 12: A Prolific Tea-Consuming Nation
Brits are known for their love of tea, and the statistics illustrate it perfectly. The UK is the second-largest nation per capita in tea consumption, guzzling an average 2.1 billion cups a week!
Fact 13: United Kingdom’s National Animal
The national animal of Scotland, which forms part of the UK, is not the one you'd expect: It's a unicorn!
Fact 14: The Shortest War in History
The Anglo-Zanzibar war of 1896 is deemed the shortest war in history. The UK's military strength settled the conflict within 38-45 minutes!
Fact 15: London’s Secret Rivers
Did you know there are several rivers flowing beneath London? The River Westbourne, the River Fleet, and the River Tyburn are part of an intricate network of subterranean waterways!
Fact 16: Rise of the Post Box
The first public post boxes were installed during the reign of Queen Victoria in 1852. They were painted red for visibility.
Fact 17: The Home of the Oldest Zoo
The United Kingdom is home to the world’s oldest zoo. Opened in London in 1828, the London Zoo originally served as a hub for scientific study.
Fact 18: Black Pool Tower’s Hidden Secret
Unknown to many, Blackpool Tower in the UK is home to hidden 120-year-old aquariums in its base!
Fact 19: The World’s Longest Reigning Monarch
Queen Elizabeth II is currently the world’s longest reigning monarch, having recently surpassed the 69-year mark in 2021.
Fact 20: Chicken Tikka Masala – A British Favourite
Chicken Tikka Masala, a popular diluted version of an Indian dish, was a concoction made to suit the palates of the Brits. Today, it is considered a national dish of the UK!
There you have it, a compilation of 20 interesting and fun facts about the United Kingdom that you probably didn't know. It only goes to show that every country has its quirks and charm, making our planet a wonderful place to explore and discover!