20 Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About June 14

Fact 1: Flag Day Celebration
On June 14, 1777, the United States adopted the first design of the American flag, hence every year on this day, the United States commemorates Flag Day. The day is not a federal holiday but is recognized and celebrated in many parts of the country. The flag has evolved with the addition of every new state, with 50 stars now representing the 50 states of the Union.

Fact 2: The U.S. Army's Birthday
June 14th also marks the birth of the U.S. Army. The Continental Army was established over a year before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, on June 14, 1775. The U.S. Army celebrates its origins and the men and women who have served since then.

Fact 3: The Day of Bizarre Sporting Events
June 14th has seen some really odd sports events. For instance, in 1938, Johnny Vander Meer, a pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds, pitched his first of two consecutive no-hitters, a feat yet to be duplicated in major league baseball.

Fact 4: The Launch of UNIVAC I
On June 14, 1951, the world got its first commercially available computer, UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer I). Developed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, it was used primarily by the U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Air Force.

Fact 5: Release of the Movie, E.T.
June 14, 1982, marked the release of the iconic movie, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Directed by Steven Spielberg, the film became a blockbuster hit and is still beloved by many across different generations.

Fact 6: The Death of an Influential Red Cross Founder
June 14, 1910, marked the death of Clara Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross. The organization has since played a crucial role in disaster response and blood donation efforts throughout the nation.

Fact 7: King John Signs the Magna Carta
June 14, 1215, is also associated with England’s King John signing the Magna Carta, one of the world’s most celebrated political documents. Though the actual signing probably occurred a day later, this date is widely recognized as the momentous event's anniversary.

Fact 8: Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
On June 14, 1930, President Herbert Hoover signed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act, which placed the highest tariff in American history on goods imported into the U.S. This Act is held responsible by many for deepening the Great Depression.

Fact 9: Birth of a Beloved Children's Author
June 14 marks the birth of beloved children’s author, Alois Podhajsky, born in 1898. He was known for his beloved works like "My Horses, My Teachers" and "The Art of Dressage."

Fact 10: The Coining of the Term ‘Oscar’
On this day in 1931, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences copyrighted the term ‘Oscar,’ a nickname for its awards.

Fact 11: The Final Vostok Mission
June 14, 1963, marked the final mission of the Soviet Union's Vostok Program with the launch of Vostok 6. This was the first mission to send a woman, Valentina Tereshkova, into space.

Fact 12: The Birth of Harriet Beecher Stowe
Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of the influential anti-slavery novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin," was born on June 14, 1811.

Fact 13: Origin of Countries' Names
On June 14, 1924, and June 14, 1931, the names of the countries 'Brazil' and 'Mongolia' respectively, were officially adopted.

Fact 14: The Death of Jorge Luis Borges
On June 14, 1986, renowned Argentine writer and poet, Jorge Luis Borges, passed away. His influential works continue to leave an indelible impact in the world of literature.

Fact 15: The First Around-the-World Solo Flight
On June 14, 1938, Howard Hughes embarked on a flight that would make him the first person to fly solo around the world, completing the feat in a record three days, nineteen hours and seventeen minutes.

Fact 16: Flag Day Becomes Official
Though the U.S. had been celebrating Flag Day since the late 1800s, it wasn't until President Harry Truman signed legislation on June 14, 1949, that it officially became National Flag Day.

Fact 17: The Arrival of Penguins in the Falkland Islands
The first recorded establishment of a penguin colony in the Falkland Islands is believed to have occurred on June 14, 1833.

Fact 18: Iced Tea Day
In the United States, June 14 is National Iced Tea Day. It’s a perfect day to enjoy this refreshing beverage that quenches the thirst of millions during the hot summer months.

Fact 19: Historical Union Meeting
Giovanni Falcone and Tommaso Buscetta, two major players in the fight against the Mafia in Italy, met for the first time on this date, June 14, 1984, marking a crucial moment in the history of organized crime prosecution.

Fact 20: Birth of a Pop Culture Icon
June 14, 1946, is the birthday of Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States, and a highly influential figure in global politics and pop culture. His presidency was marked by various controversies and his influence remains significant.
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